2324-94 Capítulo Derecho UPR del American Constitution Society (ASC): Capítulo del Año 2024 y estudiante Andrea Nevares Acevedo, ACS Next Generation Leader

7 de mayo de 2024


Circular 2324-94


Escuela de Derecho


Vivian I. Neptune Rivera



Me place compartir con nuestra Comunidad que el Capítulo de nuestra Escuela de la American Constitution Society (ACS) ha sido seleccionado como capítulo del año, Rising Chapter of the Year, entre los más de 200 capítulos de todas las Escuelas de Derecho de Estados Unidos. El Profesor Catedrático Auxiliar Alvin Padilla Babilonia es el fundador y mentor de esta organización, por lo que vaya para él y para los estudiantes miembros de la Junta nuestro reconocimiento y felicitación: Shayleen Norat Santiago, Giovanni Caro Ortiz, Andrea Nevares Acevedo, Laura Mojica Ballestero, Bárbara Becerra Marcano, Amaya Reyes Rodríguez, Víctor Colón Figueroa, Mizael Ramos Ortiz y Víctor Burgos.

Comparto el texto de la comunicación suscrita por Peggy Li, Directora Senior de los Capítulos:

“I am overjoyed to share with you that we have selected the University of Puerto Rico School of Law as ACS’s 2024 Rising Chapter of the Year! This annual award goes to a new or newly-revived chapter that has done the most to advance progressive causes.

As a newly-revived chapter, the UPR ACS Student Chapter burst onto the ACS Student Chapters scene and quickly began hosting programming examining issues, including the right to education, property rights, electoral access and participation, reproductive rights, and climate justice. Your programs successfully facilitated strong connections between your student members, faculty, and within your local community.

The UPR ACS Student Chapter has done a phenomenal job this year. They are a model for not only new or newly-revived chapters, but for all of our chapters. We are excited to recognize the chapter for this award in an upcoming Monday Student Chapter Announcement email and at the ACS National Convention (June 6-8) in Atlanta.

Thank you, UPR ACS Leaders, for creating a positive dialogue for change at your university and for working to strengthen the progressive network. We are so honored to work with the UPR ACS Student Chapter and very grateful for your contributions to ACS’s mission.

On behalf of all of us at ACS— thank you!”

Por otra parte, en el mes de abril, la estudiante Andrea Nevares Acevedo fue seleccionada como American Constitution Society (ACS) Next Generation Leader. En la comunicación compartiendo esta excelente noticia se indica:

“Each year, ACS selects a small group of students from our nearly 200 chapters to be part of our Next Generation Leader program. Students who have a demonstrated commitment to ACS and strong leadership qualities are selected through a competitive application process.

Andrea’s application, work as a student chapter leader, and compelling recommendation from Professor Alvin Padilla Babilonia really impressed our team. Next Generation Leaders receive unique access to ACS career development resources and networking opportunities, and help to strengthen and shape the future of ACS. You can read more about the Next Generation Leaders program here and the press release announcing the 2024 class here.

We are delighted to recognize and celebrate Andrea’s leadership!”

Nos llena de orgullo y satisfacción estos logros de Andrea Nevares, nuestros estudiantes y del Profesor Padilla Babilonia. Con su arduo trabajo y compromiso representan lo mejor de la academia y la manera efectiva de vincular la discusión de temas centrales de nuestra sociedad con el estudio del derecho. Nuestra cálida felicitación para todos ellos. Exhorto a los miembros de nuestra Comunidad a unirse a esta felicitación.




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