The Student Support Office’s purpose is to identify the academic and professional needs of undergraduate students aspiring to Law School and active students of the institution. Similarly, the office designs projects and programs for implementation that facilitate the academic and psychosocial-emotional development of the student and their insertion in the labor market.

We achieved these objectives with:

  • Formative evaluation of the implemented projects
  • Opinion surveys of students and teachers are designed and administer
  • External alliances to support the development of the recruitment project and strengthen the skills of our students

Our services are framed in ABA Standard 508:


A law school shall provide all its students, regardless of enrollment or scheduling option, with:

(a) Basic student services, including maintenance of accurate student records, academic advising and counseling, financial aid and debt counseling, and career counseling to assist students in making sound career choices and obtaining employment; and

(b) Information on law student well-being resources. If a law school does not provide these student services in (a) directly, it shall demonstrate that its students have reasonable access to such services from the university of which it is a part or from other sources.

Interpretation 508-1
Law student well-being resources include information or services related to mental health, including substance use disorders. Other law student well-being resources may include information for students in need of critical services such as food pantries or emergency financial assistance. Such resources encompass counseling services provided in-house by the law school, through the university of which the law school is a part, or by a lawyer assistance program. Law schools should strive to mitigate barriers or stigma to accessing such services, whether within the law school or larger professional community.

Interpretation 508-2
Reasonable access, at a minimum, involves informing law students and providing guidance regarding relevant information and services, including assistance on where the information and services can be found or accessed.

Upcoming events:

Please check back soon.

Meta Pass Program

Academic and psycho-emotional support program aimed at our Law School students, and future applicants to take the bar. It will include topics focused on emotional well-being, and academic skills, among other topics. This pilot program aims to impact 1L, 2L, 3L, and 4L students.

Upcoming events:

May 31st, 2023 | Time and Room Pending

  • Baby Bar for 1L & 2L – Join us so you can identify your strengths and areas to improve.

Host: Professional Development Office and Student Support Program

Contact information:
Lcda. Mildred Meléndez Otero
Admissions Office, Student Support Program & Grados Conjuntos

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