Visiting Student Program
In its effort to open to the world, the School of Law of the University of Puerto Rico, through its Visiting Student Program, invites students from English and Spanish speaking countries or others where English is a second language who want to experience a mixed legal system that incorporates characteristics from the two main Western legal traditions, the European Continental civil law tradition and the Anglo-American common law tradition. This program offers the English speaking visiting student the possibility of taking up to 15 credits in law courses taught in English in the fall semester. During the spring and summer sessions some English courses will be also offer. Visiting students with language proficiency in Spanish can also take the regular law courses taught in Spanish. Students from the University of Connecticut, University of Arizona, Florida International University, University of Ottawa, University of Antwerp or any other university that have an academic agreement with the School of Law of the University of Puerto Rico can also benefit from our academic offerings.

The Visiting Student Program runs during each fall semester, which usually extends from August to December. Although the program concentrates its English offerings in the fall semester, during the spring semester, winter and summer sessions some courses in English may be offered. The winter session usually runs for a week the second week of January and the summer session extends from June to July.
English courses include a variety range of topics, such as: Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Theory of Law, Law and Literature, Immigration Law, Civil Rights and Employment Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Music and the Law and Constitutional Law. Specific English courses will be announced prior to its offering.
Although some classes are offered in English, most courses are taught in Spanish. It’s strongly recommended that students interested in studying in the School of Law of the University of Puerto Rico have previous knowledge of the Spanish language.
Nonresident students who are American citizens pay the same amount that would be required from Puerto Rican students if they were to study in the state from which the nonresidents come, thus establishing a reciprocity principle. Nonresident students who are not American citizens pay additional tuition and fees.
Students from the University of Connecticut, Arizona, Ottawa, Antwerp or other universities that have an academic agreement with the School of Law of the University of Puerto Rico will not pay tuition fees at the UPR, but some administrative fees could apply.
Participants must make their own travel arrangements. Students from the United States do not need passport or visas. For those students coming from Canada, Europe, Asia or other parts of the world passports are required to travel to Puerto Rico. Once admitted to the Visiting Program the University of Puerto Rico will issue visas for these students.
Housing facilities for participants are provided at the Turabo International House. This facility is conveniently located at the Santa Rita neighborhood very close to the School of Law. The apartments provide single bedroom accommodations sharing the kitchen, bathroom, living and dining area. Reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities are available upon request. Check in at Turabo International House can be done any day during August (for first semester visitors) January (for second semester visitors) or June for the summer session. Checkout will be possible until December 31 (first semester), May 30 (second semester) and end of July (summer session).
Admissions and Registration Procedures for the Visiting Students Program
Applicants should submit:
- a completed copy of the form VSPAF (see Formularios in this same page)
- a certified copy of your law school transcript,
- a letter from your Dean, certifying good standing and authorizing your attendance at the University of Puerto Rico School of Law Visiting Program, and
- one 2 x 2 pictures
About Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico is 100 miles long by 35 miles wide and as a result of its geographical position in the center of the arc of the Antilles, Puerto Rico is essentially a crossroads of Hispanic and Anglo cultures. Despite its very diverse influx of cultures, Puerto Rico has been a part of the United States since 1898 and Puerto Ricans have been U.S. citizens since 1917. Both Spanish and English are the official languages and the local currency is the U.S. dollar.
As a tropical island, Puerto Rico offers to its visitor exotic locations, miles upon miles of white sand beaches, plus an unbelievable rain forest and mountains. The Puerto Rican can be described as friendly and welcoming. Our cultural heritage is a magnet for both scholar and the amateur historians.
Close to 4 million people live on the “Island of Enchantment,” with more than a million in the greater San Juan metropolitan area alone. It is a vibrant, modern, bilingual, multicultural society, one that has been molded by Spanish, African, Indian and U.S. influences.
Since the first human came ashore thousands of years ago, the Island that is now known as Puerto Rico has sheltered Indians, Spaniards, African and Anglos. The Spaniard had the earliest and greatest influence to the Island at their arrival in 1493. During their 400-year tenure the Spaniards laid the bedrock of the language and culture. They built cities and towns, fortresses and churches, lighthouses and roadways. They brought slaves from Africa to work in the fields, who, in turn, contributed the spice of their culture, enriching the language, music and diets.
Puerto Rico is a modern progressive and civilized country that enjoys year around summer temperatures. The climate is as close to perfect as it can get, averaging 83°F (22.7°C) in the winter and 85°F (29.4°C) in the summer. In other words, it’s always summer! The trade winds cool the coastal towns and the temperature decreases as you go up into the higher mountains.