Monthly Archives: February, 2022


Impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 al acceso a la educación en Puerto Rico

ARTÍCULO Por: Tatiana Meléndez García* “No country can really develop unless its citizens are educated. Any nation that is progressive is led by people who have the privilege of studying.”[efn_note]Oprah Talks to Nelson Mandela, NELSON MANDELA FOUNDATION (abril de 2001),[/efn_note] -Nelson Mandela Introducción El derecho constitucional al acceso a la educación en Puerto Rico


Election Mismanagement Meets a Global Pandemic: Puerto Rico’s 2020 Local Primaries

Artículo Por: Ricardo del Campillo Alberty* Introduction “While it is this Court’s function to adjudicate the controversies of Law brought before [it], things must be called by their name . . . What occurred on August 9 is an embarrassment.”[efn_note]Pierluisi v. Comisión Estatal de Elecciones, 2020 TSPR 82, at 36. (Oronoz, C.J., concurring).[/efn_note]  The ongoing